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3 Reasons to Switch your suppliers

Your company deserves a vendor who will do the job and discloses the truth about their capabilities. Switching vendors comes with a cost and degree of risk—but remember that staying with the wrong supplier is also costly and carries risks of its own. Don’t settle for anything less than the vendors who earn and deserve your trust.


There was a time you could set your clock by your vendor’s delivery, but in recent months they’ve been inconsistent. Maybe they have had good reasons that were outside of their control. But if those issues aren’t getting resolved, there’s likely a deeper problem that isn’t being addressed.

Whether it’s late deliveries, inconsistent product quality, or poor packaging, a vendor that can’t provide reliable delivery is a significant problem that needs to be fixed—for good.

Even the most reliable vendors will have an occasional hiccup. But if you’re noticing a trend in the wrong direction, you’ll have to deal with bigger issues than tight project schedules. An unreliable vendor has implications for the overall health and growth of your business.


Strong communication is central to a good partnership with your turned wood and squared parts supplier. Any vendor worth their salt will welcome frequent communication from their customers. They should be quick to respond to questions and concerns, and they’ll gladly make changes to an order to meet your needs.


If a vendor is serious about doing business with you, you’ll see it in their service. High-quality service is critical to an ongoing business relationship. You shouldn’t have to deal with repeated invoicing errors, inattention to detail, slow response time, or general indifference. These issues create a waste of time and resources by pulling you away from your core business.


If you want to change your guitar accessories supplier, please check with us.

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